8 - No cost for class textbook materials.
9 - Low cost (less than $50) for class textbook materials.
H - Honors
K - Lectures, discussions, and readings in English
M - Major, minor, pre-major, or concentration restrictions. If restricted by date, click on CRN to see effective dates; courses with no date are restricted through the registration deadline. Contact the academic department for additional information.
a - Not open to students whose Mandarin language ability exceeds course content
b - Placement examination required for all new or returning students
i - Individualized sessions with GTF on Fridays
r - Requires advanced level Chinese proficiency (CHN 445). Taught in Mandarin Chinese for Chinese language learner.
s - Simplified characters taught
t - Traditional characters taught
 - Dept or Instructor approval required; check course details for effective dates. When approved, use the Add/Drop menu to add the course by entering the CRN directly
 - See CRN for pre-requisites or other comments
 - Additional web resources are available for this CRN