8 - No cost for class textbook materials.
9 - Low cost (less than $50) for class textbook materials.
E - Gerlinger Hall 2nd floor will not be accessible by elevator for Winter 2022 due to construction. If your class is located in GER 242, GER 246, or GER 248 for winter term and you need an accommodation, please contact the Accessible Education Center.
J - This course uses proctored exams in on-campus computer labs. See this link for more information: https://online.uoregon.edu/examcenter
a - Does not count for SPAN/RL Major/Minor credit.
b - Prereq: Two survey courses from SPAN 316, 317, 318 or 319
c - Prereq: SPAN 311 or 312, and 1 300-level Span Lit course
d - Pre-Reqs: SPAN 311 and one 300-level SPAN literature course
e - Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 311 and 312. Spanish Heritage learners should enroll in 312 rather than 311.
f - Students may not recieve credit for both SPAN 150 and SPAN 238 or both SPAN 298 (taken Fall 2014) and SPAN 238.
g - Prereq: 311 or 312; one 300-level literature class
h - Must take Spanish Heritage Language placement exam
i - Intensive workshop with in-class instruction through 6/29 followed by online activities and final project due by 7/20.
l - Taught in English. This course provides students with an overview of the cultures of the Hispanic/Latinx world (Spain, Latin America, US).
p - Prereq: two from SPAN 301, 303, 305, 308.
r - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 317 and 342
s - Must be accepted to Society of College Scholars Program
t - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 316 and 341
u - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 318 and 343
v - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 319 and 344
w - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 330 and 350
x - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 331 and 351
y - Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 333 and 353
 - Dept or Instructor approval required; check course details for effective dates. When approved, use the Add/Drop menu to add the course by entering the CRN directly
 - See CRN for pre-requisites or other comments
 - Additional web resources are available for this CRN