University of Oregon
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Winter 2024


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Chinese (CHN)
308 Friendly, 541-346-4041
East Asian Languages & Literatures
College of Arts & Sciences
8 - No cost for class textbook materials.
a - Not open to students whose Mandarin language ability exceeds course content
Course Data
  CHN 302   + Dis >1 0.00 cr.
Continued training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Grading Options: Optional; see degree guide or catalog for degree requirements
Instructor: Gu XE-mail
See CRN for CommentsPrereqs/Comments: Prereq: CHN 301 or equivalent.
Course Materials
  CRN Avail Max Time Day Location Instructor Notes

+ Dis

25715 0 14 1200-1250 tr 345 MCK Gu X !Aa
Associated Sections


21389 0 14 1200-1250 mwf 221 FR Wu J !Aa8
Academic Deadlines
Deadline     Last day to:
January 7:   Process a complete drop (100% refund, no W recorded)
January 13:   Drop this course (100% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
January 13:   Process a complete drop (90% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
January 14:   Process a complete withdrawal (90% refund, W recorded)
January 14:   Withdraw from this course (100% refund, W recorded)
January 15:   Add this course
January 15:   Last day to change to or from audit
January 21:   Process a complete withdrawal (75% refund, W recorded)
January 21:   Withdraw from this course (75% refund, W recorded)
January 28:   Process a complete withdrawal (50% refund, W recorded)
January 28:   Withdraw from this course (50% refund, W recorded)
February 4:   Process a complete withdrawal (25% refund, W recorded)
February 4:   Withdraw from this course (25% refund, W recorded)
February 25:   Withdraw from this course (0% refund, W recorded)
February 25:   Change grading option for this course
Caution You can't drop your last class using the "Add/Drop" menu in DuckWeb. Go to the “Completely Withdraw from Term/University” link to begin the complete withdrawal process. If you need assistance with a complete drop or a complete withdrawal, please contact the Office of Academic Advising, 101 Oregon Hall, 541-346-3211 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday). If you are attempting to completely withdraw after business hours, and have difficulty, please contact the Office of Academic Advising the next business day.

Expanded Course Description
Courses at this upper-intermediate level are conducted almost entirely in Chinese. Students continue to study materials of increasing complexity, which cover a variety of topics related to traditional and contemporary Chinese society. Authentic materials are used extensively, including excerpts of original literary texts, short stories and magazines, newspaper articles, clips of Chinese films and TV programs. Texts are dealt with in terms of their linguistic features, discourse cohesion, style and register, with an emphasis on a clear understanding of the structurally complex sentences and the social and cultural background involved. Focus is on further developing students¿ proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing, particularly the ability to synthesize and summarize the materials being dealt with, and the capability to clearly present their ideas in discourses larger and more complex than those learned in Second-Year Chinese. Business Chinese is also incorporated in the Third-Year curriculum as a distinctive component where major units are organized around tasks, structures, and projects (e.g. simulated business negotiations in international trade, business letter writing, business oral presentations) that students can work through in small groups, so as to maximize the opportunities for them to practice using the Chinese language. To help students maintain continued motivation to learn and to give them the tools to use when studying on their own, the Third-Year curriculum provides students with additional Internet resources for Chinese learning. Further, students at the this level are introduced to the basics of Chinese brush calligraphy, with hands-on practice of the use of Chinese brush and ink, and an enhanced appreciation of Chinese Calligraphy as an art form.
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Release: 8.11