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Winter 2025


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Philosophy (PHIL)
211 Susan Campbell, 541-346-5547
College of Arts & Sciences
9 - Low cost (less than $50) for class textbook materials.
Course Data
  PHIL 643   Top Beauvoir 4.00 cr.
Explores contemporary feminist philosophy. Repeatable three times for a maximum of 16 credits when topic changes.
Grading Options: Optional; see degree guide or catalog for degree requirements
Instructor: Mann BE-mailHomepage Office:   234 Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: 0900 - 1100 F during Fall 2020
Only Open to Majors: Philosophy
Course Materials
  CRN Avail Max Time Day Location Instructor Notes
  26219 7 10 1400-1550 mw 250C SC Mann B 9
Academic Deadlines
Deadline     Last day to:
January 5:   Process a complete drop (100% refund, no W recorded)
January 11:   Drop this course (100% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
January 11:   Process a complete drop (90% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
January 12:   Process a complete withdrawal (90% refund, W recorded)
January 12:   Withdraw from this course (100% refund, W recorded)
January 13:   Add this course
January 13:   Last day to change to or from audit
January 19:   Process a complete withdrawal (75% refund, W recorded)
January 19:   Withdraw from this course (75% refund, W recorded)
January 26:   Process a complete withdrawal (50% refund, W recorded)
January 26:   Withdraw from this course (50% refund, W recorded)
February 2:   Process a complete withdrawal (25% refund, W recorded)
February 2:   Withdraw from this course (25% refund, W recorded)
February 23:   Withdraw from this course (0% refund, W recorded)
February 23:   Change grading option for this course
Caution You can't drop your last class using the "Add/Drop" menu in DuckWeb. Go to the “Completely Withdraw from Term/University” link to begin the complete withdrawal process. If you need assistance with a complete drop or a complete withdrawal, please contact the Office of Academic Advising, 101 Oregon Hall, 541-346-3211 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday). If you are attempting to completely withdraw after business hours, and have difficulty, please contact the Office of Academic Advising the next business day.

Expanded Course Description
Topic: Simone de Beauvoir as Feminist Phenomenologist The Second Sex is Beauvoir’s most important philosophical work, and the book often credited with being the intellectual spark of the international 2nd wave feminist movement. This course will focus on a close reading of the English translation of Le Duexième Sexe, rather than a broad selection of philosophical writings. Particularly, we will consider Beauvoir as an early practitioner of feminist phenomenology. We will situate her work within the broader, emerging tradition of feminist phenomenology, paying particular attention to themes of existence, time, space, affect and imagination. We will consider the difference between a phenomenology of sexual difference and a critical feminist phenomenology, and try to understand what sort of relation Beauvoir might have had to this distinction had she lived long enough to see it emerge. We will pay very close attention to how Beauvoir practices phenomenology, even as she doesn’t have much to say about it explicitly—our goal will to be to come away with a clear understanding of the elements of her practice in order to reflect on and develop our own phenomenological practice.
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Release: 8.11