University of Oregon
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Spring 2025


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Data Science (DSCI)
204 Pacific Hall,
College of Arts & Sciences
8 - No cost for class textbook materials.
Wait List- Wait list is available when course is full
Course Data
  DSCI 102   + Lab 0.00 cr.
This course expands upon critical concepts and skills introduced in DSCI 101. Topics include the normal distribution, confidence intervals, regression, and classifiers. Sequence with DSCI 101.
Grading Options: Optional; see degree guide or catalog for degree requirements
Course Materials
  CRN Avail Max Time Day Location Instructor Notes

+ Lab

31545 5 25 1300-1350 f 104 CON tba Wait List
Associated Sections


31541 39 100 0830-0950 tr 110 FEN Muehleisen A !8
Academic Deadlines
Deadline     Last day to:
March 30:   Process a complete drop (100% refund, no W recorded)
April 5:   Drop this course (100% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
April 5:   Process a complete drop (90% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
April 6:   Process a complete withdrawal (90% refund, W recorded)
April 6:   Withdraw from this course (100% refund, W recorded)
April 7:   Add this course
April 7:   Last day to change to or from audit
April 13:   Process a complete withdrawal (75% refund, W recorded)
April 13:   Withdraw from this course (75% refund, W recorded)
April 20:   Process a complete withdrawal (50% refund, W recorded)
April 20:   Withdraw from this course (50% refund, W recorded)
April 27:   Process a complete withdrawal (25% refund, W recorded)
April 27:   Withdraw from this course (25% refund, W recorded)
May 18:   Withdraw from this course (0% refund, W recorded)
May 18:   Change grading option for this course
Caution You can't drop your last class using the "Add/Drop" menu in DuckWeb. Go to the “Completely Withdraw from Term/University” link to begin the complete withdrawal process. If you need assistance with a complete drop or a complete withdrawal, please contact the Office of Academic Advising, 101 Oregon Hall, 541-346-3211 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday). If you are attempting to completely withdraw after business hours, and have difficulty, please contact the Office of Academic Advising the next business day.

Expanded Course Description
This course prepares students to apply computational, statistical, and inferential techniques to large data sets. Students will learn to obtain data from public sources, distill critical information, characterize the data using statistical techniques, and make quantitative predictions based on their analyses. Topics include the normal distribution, confidence intervals, regression, and classifiers. Ethical concerns resulting from use of the techniques in this course will be addressed.
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Release: 8.11