University of Oregon
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Spring 2023


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Sociology (SOC)
736 Prince Lucien Campbell, 541-346-5002
College of Arts & Sciences
Approval Required- Dept or Instructor approval required; check course details for effective dates. When approved, use the Add/Drop menu to add the course by entering the CRN directly
Course Data
  SOC 207   Social Inequality >2 >IP >US 4.00 cr.
Overview of social inequality, cross-culturally and within the United States. Examines relationship of social inequality based on social class, race, and gender to social change, social institutions, and self-identity.
Grading Options: Optional; see degree guide or catalog for degree requirements
Instructor: Lievanos RE-mail Office:   640 PLC
Approval Required Instructor Approval required
Course Materials
  CRN Avail Max Time Day Location Instructor Notes


35295 11 240 1200-1320 tr 150 COL Lievanos R Approval Required

Final Exam:

0800-1000 w 6/14 150 COL
Associated Sections

+ Dis

35296 0 30 1600-1650 r 203 CON Huang H  

+ Dis

35297 0 30 1600-1650 r 373 MCK Issar S  

+ Dis

35298 3 30 1700-1750 r 203 CON Huang H  

+ Dis

35299 4 30 1700-1750 r 373 MCK Issar S  

+ Dis

35300 2 30 0900-0950 f 201 CON Ricketts A  

+ Dis

35301 2 30 1000-1050 f 203 CON Ricketts A  

+ Dis

35302 0 30 1100-1150 f 121 MCK Szasz J  

+ Dis

35303 0 30 1200-1250 f 203 CON Szasz J  

+ Dis

35304 cancelled -     tba  

+ Dis

35305 cancelled -     tba  
Academic Deadlines
Deadline     Last day to:
April 2:   Process a complete drop (100% refund, no W recorded)
April 8:   Drop this course (100% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
April 8:   Process a complete drop (90% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
April 9:   Process a complete withdrawal (90% refund, W recorded)
April 9:   Withdraw from this course (100% refund, W recorded)
April 10:   Add this course
April 10:   Last day to change to or from audit
April 16:   Process a complete withdrawal (75% refund, W recorded)
April 16:   Withdraw from this course (75% refund, W recorded)
April 23:   Process a complete withdrawal (50% refund, W recorded)
April 23:   Withdraw from this course (50% refund, W recorded)
April 30:   Process a complete withdrawal (25% refund, W recorded)
April 30:   Withdraw from this course (25% refund, W recorded)
May 21:   Withdraw from this course (0% refund, W recorded)
May 21:   Change grading option for this course
Caution You can't drop your last class using the "Add/Drop" menu in DuckWeb. Go to the “Completely Withdraw from Term/University” link to begin the complete withdrawal process. If you need assistance with a complete drop or a complete withdrawal, please contact the Office of Academic Advising, 101 Oregon Hall, 541-346-3211 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday). If you are attempting to completely withdraw after business hours, and have difficulty, please contact the Office of Academic Advising the next business day.

Expanded Course Description
Our world is structured by unequal social relations that permeate all aspects of our lives. All societies have systems of stratification which result in the unequal distribution of economic, social, and political resources. These systems of stratification are complex, pervasive, and persistent yet highly variable. Focusing primarily on the United States, we explore the structural bases of inequality by examining three intersecting stratification systems: class, race, and gender. We also examine individual and collective experiences of people differently located in these systems of stratification. Through lectures, discussions, and videos, we will think critically about social inequality, and how that's reflected in our own social worlds and our personal experiences.
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Release: 8.11