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Spring 2025


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Philosophy (PHIL)
211 Susan Campbell, 541-346-5547
College of Arts & Sciences
9 - Low cost (less than $50) for class textbook materials.
Course Data
  PHIL 123   Internet, Soc, & Phil >2 4.00 cr.
Introduction to philosophical problems of the Internet. Primary focus on social, political, and ethical issues with discussion of epistemological and metaphysical topics.
Grading Options: Optional; see degree guide or catalog for degree requirements
Instructor: Koopman CE-mailHomepage Office:   250A Susan Campbell Hall
Phone:   (541) 346-5980
Course Materials
  CRN Avail Max Time Day Location Instructor Notes


35601 0 100 1200-1320 tr 101 LLCS Koopman C 9
Associated Sections

+ Dis

35602 0 25 1100-1150 f 285 LIL Dubrule A Wait List

+ Dis

35603 0 25 1200-1250 f 285 LIL Dubrule A Wait List

+ Dis

35604 0 25 1300-1350 f 245 LIL Kasperiunaite R Wait List

+ Dis

35605 0 25 1400-1450 f 245 LIL Kasperiunaite R Wait List
Academic Deadlines
Deadline     Last day to:
March 30:   Process a complete drop (100% refund, no W recorded)
April 5:   Drop this course (100% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
April 5:   Process a complete drop (90% refund, no W recorded; after this date, W's are recorded)
April 6:   Process a complete withdrawal (90% refund, W recorded)
April 6:   Withdraw from this course (100% refund, W recorded)
April 7:   Add this course
April 7:   Last day to change to or from audit
April 13:   Process a complete withdrawal (75% refund, W recorded)
April 13:   Withdraw from this course (75% refund, W recorded)
April 20:   Process a complete withdrawal (50% refund, W recorded)
April 20:   Withdraw from this course (50% refund, W recorded)
April 27:   Process a complete withdrawal (25% refund, W recorded)
April 27:   Withdraw from this course (25% refund, W recorded)
May 18:   Withdraw from this course (0% refund, W recorded)
May 18:   Change grading option for this course
Caution You can't drop your last class using the "Add/Drop" menu in DuckWeb. Go to the “Completely Withdraw from Term/University” link to begin the complete withdrawal process. If you need assistance with a complete drop or a complete withdrawal, please contact the Office of Academic Advising, 101 Oregon Hall, 541-346-3211 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday). If you are attempting to completely withdraw after business hours, and have difficulty, please contact the Office of Academic Advising the next business day.

Expanded Course Description
The internet has helped spawn data-driven technologies as different as social media, automated surveillance, and artificial intelligence. Where it once promised a land of freedom and equality, the internet has become a venue for things both wonderful and dreadful. The social impacts of internet-enabled data-driven technologies are profound: democratic decay, amplified disinformation, automated discrimination, and mass-scale surveillance. What kind of society are we making as we increasingly load our lives on the internet? This course offers an introduction to key social, political, and ethical problems of internet-enhanced data technology from artificial intelligence to social media and beyond. Our focus will be on topics that are pressing in the present moment and may include: computational discrimination, algorithmic fairness, information polarization, echo chambers, data privacy, mass surveillance, social media selfhood, and the datafication of the self. Our efforts will be geared toward the challenging task of finding ways to articulate these and other problems in contexts of our engagement with new technologies and their increasing engagements with us (whether we choose or not). The required textbook for this course (print edition only, no e-books) will be Mark Coeckelbergh’s The Political Philosophy of AI (Polity Press, 2022). Additional readings supplied on Canvas will include shorter pieces by the likes of Shannon Vallor, Langdon Winner, Ruha Benjamin, C. Thi Nguyen, Daniel Solove, Lindsay Poirier, and/or others.
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